22 October 2023 | 12:36pm
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Identification of trade-related graduation challenges and preparation of sector-specific trade roadmaps for overcoming the challenges

18 June 2023 Research & Study
Identification of trade-related graduation challenges and preparation of sector-specific trade roadmaps for overcoming the challenges

Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute (BFTI) completed the study titled 'Identification of Trade-related Graduation Challenges and Preparation of Sector-Specific Trade Roadmaps for Overcoming the Challenges' under the project 'Diagnostic Trade Integration Study Update (DTISU) of Bangladesh: Trade Roadmap for Sustainable Graduation (TRSG)' initiated by WTO Wing, Ministry of Commerce on 10 May, 2023. The study was conducted with the support of Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The final report of the study has been published by the Ministry of Commerce and launched on 18 June 2023 by Senior Secretary, Ministry of Commerce. The study attempted to identify the trade-related graduation challenges and formulate a trade roadmap for 12 sectors for the smooth graduation of Bangladesh from the LDC status. The sectors under the study include RMG, shipbuilding, agro products and processed food, fisheries and livestock, light engineering including electronics and electrical products, plastics, leather and leather products, non-leather footwear, pharmaceuticals and API, tourism, software and IT and nursing and midwifery.

The report is available at The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) website. (Part-1 & Part-2)

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