22 October 2023 | 12:36pm
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The geographical indications of goods: significance, implementation challenges and needed initiatives for Bangladesh

30 October 2015 Research & Study
The geographical indications of goods: significance, implementation challenges and needed initiatives for Bangladesh

This research examines four main issues: the significance of GI, the potential GI products, the role of private sector growers/producers in getting GI protection for unique products and the management challenges in the implementation of Geographical Indications of Products (Registration and protection), 2013. A qualitative research design was adopted in conducting the research. Primary data were collected mainly through in-depth face-to-face interview and focus group discussions. Secondary data were collected from various published sources and web-based resources. The study finds that there remains immense economic and social rationale for GI protection. GI protection helps the producers/growers to differentiate their products from competing products and they often command premium pricing for GI products. GI also helps them in building brands, enjoy consumer confidence and have improved market access. GI protection is also found to promote socio-economic development, attract FDI and access foreign markets. It has been found that there are many unique natural, agricultural and manufactured goods that deserve GI protection. This study identifies 45 potential GI products including Jamdani, Hilsha fish, Curd of Bogra, Lengra Mango, Fazli Mango, Gopalbhog, Kataribhog (rice), TangailSaree, RasMalai of comilla…

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