22 October 2023 | 12:36pm
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Policy Advocacy


Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

LDC Ministerial Declaration for the Thirteenth WTO Ministerial Conference 2024

calendar 15 October 2023

Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

Draft National Logistics Development Policy/ Framework

calendar 25 September 2023

Conducted For:Ministry of Commerece

Trade Policy Review (TPR) of the European Union (EU)

calendar 2 May 2023

Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

Bangladesh- ‘India Joint Working Group (JWG) on Trade Meeting’

calendar 5 March 2023

Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

Brief for the 3rd Meeting of TICFA

calendar 30 June 2017

Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

The portable impact on Bangladesh’s trade with USA

calendar 30 June 2017